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Updates and news from across form communities

Marching Towards Brighter Days Ahead

Embracing the sunshine of possibility this March, as we welcome you to another issue of the formula.

 #TrueToForm spotlight

In this month’s #TrueToForm spotlight

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We want to highlight one of our six core values: being Genuine.

We believe authenticity is the cornerstone of trust and connection. True to ourselves, we aim to mirror this honesty in every interaction, fostering a culture where everyone feels encouraged to express their true selves. This commitment to authenticity is vital, not only for our personal development but also in our mission to support others.

Whether we’re engaging with Clubhouse members or connecting with people across different organizations, our genuine nature guides our efforts. It's through this authenticity that we truly understand and meet the needs of those we serve, making a real difference in their lives.

San Antonio Clubhouse

From the Heart of Our Kitchen: Strengthening Community Through Nutrition

One big success from last year, with the generous support of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in San Antonio, is the regular addition of a full, nutritious breakfast for members and staff at SA Clubhouse. Recognizing the importance of healthy energy at the start of our days, this enhanced breakfast program helps to bridge the gap of food insecurity common to many of our members.

While always offering simple, more "continental," breakfast options, members and staff at the Clubhouse now serve a varied hot breakfast menu three times a week. Replacing less nutritious options with items including fresh fruit parfaits, veggie omelettes, and fresh baked blueberry muffins, these breakfasts directly address community needs while engaging members in service to each other. This work not only feeds the body but also fosters a sense of belonging and teamwork among our members, who are actively involved in every step of the meal service—from planning to preparation to clean-up.

Thanks to this support from St. Mark’s Episcopal, we have served over 1,725 breakfast plates to nearly 200 members in this first year alone, marking meaningful gains to both the nutritional resilience and sense of community for members at SA Clubhouse. Mornings just smell better with pancakes and bacon on the griddle, and we know this project will continue to support members' health and recovery well into the future.

Testimonials from our members:

“Having a hot breakfast at Clubhouse has been great because I don’t usually have breakfast in the morning. Clubhouse breakfasts are filling compared to the cold cereal options we had before. It’s been fun to make it with the staff too!” - Meghan Hammersmith

“Waking up in the morning and coming to Clubhouse to help cook breakfast is very helpful for everyone in the community because Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” - Natalia Morales

“Breakfast plates, even as a left over, are satisfying to settle my stomach throughout the day. I also appreciate the time and energy that went into making the breakfast.” - Derek Higie 

Growth Corner

🌱 Fueling Your Mind: Discover, Learn, Grow in the Growth Corner

📔Book of the Month

eBook Demo Image

Echoes of Resilience: Stories of Inner Strength

Introducing "The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression," a powerful exploration of depression's complexities and challenges. This acclaimed book by Andrew Solomon sheds light on the experience of depression through personal stories, scientific research, and cultural insights.


Solomon delves into the depths of despair while offering hope and understanding to those grappling with mental health struggles. Dive into this enlightening journey to gain valuable insights and perspectives on depression, and discover the resilience and strength that can emerge from confronting the noonday demon.

Quote of the Month

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." 


- Nelson Mandela

This powerful quote reminds us that setbacks and challenges are an inevitable part of life's journey. Instead of measuring our worth by our ability to avoid failure, Mandela urges us to find true greatness in our resilience and perseverance. Each time we stumble, we have the opportunity to learn, grow, and emerge stronger than before. So, let us embrace the journey of life, knowing that our triumphs are not defined by our failures, but by our unwavering determination to rise again.

Support Our Mission 

Your contribution enables us to expand our community programs and empower more lives through connection and belonging. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.